
Sharing Real Stories of How Master Saved Me When I Was in Critical Condition

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And now we have a heartline from Lintang in Medan, Indonesia:

Most Beloved Master and fully dedicated Supreme Master TV team, Since I have known Master and the Quan Yin Method, I have always felt Master’s Love, Blessing, and protection in my life. I would like to share with the viewers one of the real stories of how Master saved me when I was in critical condition.

In April 2024, I experienced inflammation in my shoulder, so I couldn’t lift up my arm, and I felt pain and couldn’t sleep all night. The next day, we called a nurse to come to my house to give me an infusion and medicine so I could sleep. When I started to fall asleep, the doggy-person that usually sleeps with me kept calling me from the next room, so I could not fall asleep. Not long after, my infusion ran out, and by that time, the nurse who was helping me had already gone home. Suddenly, I started to feel my chest congested, and slowly my hands started to be numb and cold. My children panicked and started helping me in various ways. I wished to be taken to the hospital, but I knew that my condition was already difficult. I told my children there was no need to rush anymore. My feet and cheeks also started to be numb. I felt my feet were cold. I then told my children that it was our last chance to ask for help from Master.

I then sat in front of three Supreme Master TV monitors that were turned on every day, and I immediately opened “The most Powerful Daily Prayer” that Master shared on my cell phone. I prayed to Master to help me expel the wind that was blocking my chest. My children also helped me massage my back, and suddenly, I felt the inner Master giving me the intuition to drink warm water with a little salt and sugar added. Immediately after drinking the warm water solution, the congested wind started to come out gradually, and oxygen started to flow to my hands, feet and cheeks, and I was saved from the critical condition.

Thank You, Master, for the timely help, and thanks to my doggy-person who woke me up. If I had fallen asleep at that time, I would have definitely never woken up again, because the flow that caused my chest congestion would not have been known if I had fallen asleep. I also would like to thank the Supreme Master TV team, who always work selflessly to broadcast positive and inspiring news. May the mission of Master and all of us for World Vegan, World Peace soon be realized. Love, Lintang from Medan, Indonesia

Grateful Lintang, We are so happy that you have recovered, and thank you for sharing another beautiful example of our Beloved Master’s Great Love, which we know heals us and the planet. May you and the gentle Indonesian people be safe and nurtured in Heaven’s Light. In Mother Nature’s grace, Supreme Master TV team

P.S. Master celebrates your good health in this reply to you: “Renewed Lintang, my Love is with you always. We must all take care of our health as well as spend as much time meditating with the Quan Yin Method as we can. There are many tips on how to nourish and exercise our bodies on Supreme Master Television. The more people meditate and remember their Divine selves, the more elevated this world becomes. May you and verdant Indonesia celebrate your green haven of peace with a vegan lifestyle. Much Love to you and your loved ones.”