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laporan baru mengungkapkan industri peternakan menyebabkan 87% emisi gas rumah kaca global

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Animal industry responsible for huge majority of greenhouse gases.

A new paper by Dr. Sailesh Ra, shows that killing animals for food and other uses generates at least 87% of the annual global greenhouse gas emissions. Dr. Rao is a Shining World Award for Earth Protection laureate and founder of the United States-based nonprofit Climate Healers. 

Released in the Journal of Ecological Society, the report reveals that previous estimates by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization did not account for the detrimental effects of deforestation caused by the industry. 

The research highlights the crucial importance of transitioning to a plant-based economy instead of only focusing on ending fossil fuel usage to stop global warming’s quick escalation. 

Thank you, Dr. Sailesh Rao, for the enlightening paper. In God’s compassion, may all governments urgently enact Vegan Law as the main solution to ensure our continued survival.