
Selflessness and Humility, Part 11 of 12, Dec. 16-17, 2006

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The karma changes so quickly these days. I can’t promise anything. I also wanted to stay until the end at the Thailand seminar, but I couldn't do that either. Originally, my plane ticket was booked until the end, but... And I also wanted to watch their fantastic programs, but I couldn't do that either. I had to leave. So, you never say anything. Maybe two days before, that’s long enough. So if I promise now and then I can’t come back, then you’ll be sad.

I think you should go home after tonight. Clean your house and maybe do something for your family. Maybe you can come back later. If that's what you want, then you come back. This is a big house, you can always come back and lie here shamelessly. (Will You be here too?) I don't know yet.

The karma changes so quickly these days. I can’t promise anything. I also wanted to stay until the end at the Thailand seminar, but I couldn't do that either. Originally, my plane ticket was booked until the end, but... And I also wanted to watch their fantastic programs, but I couldn't do that either. I had to leave. So, you never say anything. Maybe two days before, that’s long enough. So if I promise now and then I can’t come back, then you’ll be sad. (We are also so sad.)

Even if something is very good, we don’t have to eat that much. I warned you. It’s not so bad when it’s the weekend. Then it’s OK. But I don’t recommend eating like this every day.

But the supermarket is so happy. It’s very convenient here. You only need to walk half a minute and you get everything you want. (Normally, the supermarket here on Wednesdays always has offers.) Ah, even better. (On Wednesdays, they always have very cheap offers.) Then you buy everything for the whole week. (We can get fruit to eat for the whole week.) Wow, that’s nice. Then you can also buy here and sell in Düsseldorf. That way we can still earn something there. Or bring it to Munich and sell it there.

You can live on that, right? The unemployed, the jobless people can come here every Wednesday, buy the whole supermarket, and then sell it in Munich or Berlin or somewhere very expensive. That works. (Even cheaper in Berlin.) Even cheaper than here? (Yes.) No, that is not possible. (Yes, I was looking for an Aulacese [Vietnamese] store in Berlin, and there we buy vegetables, and whatever they have.) Berlin is cheaper? (Yes, cheaper.) Cheaper than here? (Yes.) Well, that’s a competition. (They don’t have everything.) Only some. (It's true.)

Here they told me, the people here told me that the fabrics are very cheap here, because they buy them in the Turkish market. And the clothes are also very cheap. They go to the Chinese store, and buy fruits and vegetables on Thursday… no, Wednesday. So you don't need to work so much here. (Not really, we can buy everything very cheap.)

In Berlin also so cheap? In the Turkish store? (I was looking for an Aulacese [Vietnamese] store.) (An Aulacese [Vietnamese] wholesale store.) Ah, you go to the big Aulacese (Vietnamese) supermarket? (Yes.) What do you buy there? Vegetables and fruits? Are they cheap? (Imitation. Also clothes. They have everything.) Oh, yes? Is there something like that in Berlin? (Many fake [imitation] brands.) Oh, fake, imitation. OK. But is it legal or not? (No.) No.

Not legal to sell, but you can buy it, right? Innocent customers, innocent guests. So in Berlin, it is even cheaper than here? That’s impossible. (It depends on the area.) Not everywhere. (The day before yesterday, I came back from Berlin. I spent three days distributing flyers for [Supreme Master] Television, and I bought everything there – about 500 grams of vegetables from an Aulacese [Vietnamese] store.) (Water spinach.) (I have some at home. We cook it at home.) Water spinach. How can you survive by just eating water spinach? (Because it’s so delicious.) Yes, delicious, but you eat it every day, and still buy it all the time? (It’s expensive here. Once in a while we go there, and we would buy only that.)

Yeah, OK, then it’s not so cheap either. But there’s no water spinach here? (Too expensive.) Too expensive here? (Yes.) Water spinach is expensive? (Yes.) Then don’t eat it! Look for something cheap to eat. (Yes, I bought it in Berlin. I’ve cooked and eaten only water spinach for three days.) My God! Is there anything other than water spinach that you crave for! Is food so expensive over there that you just eat water spinach all the time?

When I was young, sometimes we had just a few vegetables at home. So when I see lots of water spinach, I also eat so much – the whole big package, alone. In English it’s also water spinach. But I do not know what it’s called in German. (Is it hollow inside?) Yes, big and long, and the inside is empty. (Water spinach.) Yeah. Water spinach.

Oh, my God. All we ever talk about is food. We only talk about food and then we don't meditate at all. We just ate and now we’re talking about food again. Yes, it’s good, it’s good. I was happy, because people who live here told me that everything here is so cheap. They can manage with very little. Right? (Yes.)

You live here too? (I don’t live here. I live in Aachen. That's about 100 km from here.) And how do you know what’s going on here? (We shop here on the weekend, too.) You come here for the supermarket? (Sometimes, also. I come on Saturday and then sometimes I buy fruit here for the Center and also vegetables for the whole week at home. It’s convenient.) That’s why you always come here to meditate. Yes, it’s nice too, that if you meditate diligently, then you can get fruits and vegetables cheaper here. (Then I don’t waste so much time either. I come here to buy the vegetables and put them in the car, and on Monday at home I don’t have to go shopping.) Yes, everyone can do it that way. (You can organize that well, too.)

You know what? Then you can buy the whole supermarket. Then you don’t need to go any further. And distribute it – every week you get something, and you get something. Yes, that’s good. Alright. It’s very good.

And you come from where? Are all of you from Aachen? (No, we come from Freudenstadt.) How far? (Five hundred kilometers.) Five hundred? Oh, that’s very far. You have to drive many hours. How many hours? (Normally five hours, but if there’s a traffic jam, six or seven hours.) Ah, OK. Five hours, six hours is very long. The whole family? (Yes, the whole family.) But then you’re not there. Don’t you have to work tomorrow? (I called...) Vacation? Took a vacation. (Took a vacation.) OK.

Oh, my God. So, I’d better go away real quick, so I don’t have to deal with these criminal relatives. (I haven’t seen You for a long time, Master.) I know, I know. But maybe we can meet again.

Last month I was in Thailand. (We only saw You a few times and we were so far away from You.) What can I do? I cannot always stretch out so easily. I cannot stretch myself so long. Maybe later you can take… (It was beautiful. The hotel was pretty. The sea was great.) Yeah, great. I could only see it from the window.

Normally we should enjoy it, but we did not. We always squeezed in the meditation hall, and couldn’t see anything. So that’s why I’ve come here. Two days are enough, my God. You always see the same woman. What is it...? What’s so nice? Strange. If I were a movie star or a singer, then maybe I could delight you with my singing. But here we have only food, and yet you come again and again, and want to stay even longer.

My God! You never have enough. “Master, just one glimpse and that would be OK.” After one glimpse, then two glimpses, or three, four glimpses – so many glimpses and you are still not satisfied.

In Thailand, you didn’t have to always see me like this. Meditating together was nice too. Enjoying the mosquito bites. Mosquito bites. Did they bite you, the mosquitoes? (No.) (When I got off the bus and I saw the beach, I thought, “Oh, You always dreamed about having a retreat for us on the beach,” and so on.) (Beautiful.) I wanted to buy something for you guys too. I wanted to buy something for you guys there, but they didn’t sell it. They don’t sell it. They were hoping that we would come back next year. If they sell it to us, then it’s done.

That was nice, wasn’t it? But you couldn’t see me? Too far away? Originally, I wanted to walk every day along the road so you guys could have a look at me, but then the revolution came, and then the police, and it was not so favorable for me to go out, so I went another way. That’s why I went straight to the meditation hall. (Master, I had a terrible dream after that. I dreamed that You were sick. I was worried.) Yes, a little bit, too. Yes, it’s OK. You have to pay for everything in this world – sometimes a lot, sometimes less.

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