
We Live in This World for the World, Part 3 of 6, May 28, 2007, Klagenfurt, Austria

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Charity begins at home. My charity is that I teach you to teach yourself. It has to begin with to be able, independent, intelligent. Not relying on anybody. […]

Anything else? (Master.) Yes. (We are going to help some lady in Slovenia next weekend. She has 50 dog[-people]. She takes care of them, takes care of the dog[-people]. Maybe we can film it and make an interview with her? She used to have 300 dog-[-people].) You do what you do, why do you ask me? (Because we were talking to the cameramen if they want to go.) You do it yourself. Why does the cameraman have to travel all the way from UK? (OK.) I told you already, if you want to report something, do it yourself! Make your own script. Have your own face on it. Have your own camera. Not everything, calling France, calling UK. They have other things to do. Plus, travel expense is not necessary. You do it yourself. If it’s something important or not. So, you do something. Not always asking me to do it, or asking the team there to do it, or asking my team overseas to do it. Please do it yourself, be independent!

That’s why I let you pay for the food! Because I don’t want to buy you. I don’t want to buy you. I don’t want you to come here for free food. Because you’re not working for food! You’re not homeless, are you? (No.) OK! So you have your dignity – you pay for your own food. Minimum. I don’t do like other gurus: “Come, come to my house! Everybody can come and eat.” No! I am not a charity organization for my own disciples. Do you hear me? (Yes.) My money goes out for the needy people, not for you, the able, beautiful, saintly bodies. No! Honestly, no! I could, but I don’t want to buy you.

Charity begins at home. My charity is that I teach you to teach yourself. It has to begin with to be able, independent, intelligent. Not relying on anybody. I’m not going to spoil you into somebody who is helpless comes here, can’t even afford ten dollars per day for food and lodging. I pay everything else already! You have the house free, lecture free, cameraman free, available. Electricity free, for example. Magazine free... What? (The [vegan] cake.) The (vegan) cake? I am not sure if it’s free. Maybe you paid for it. And I also paid for it. I pay like you do. For three days, whatever you pay, we pay. I and my two attendants, we pay the same price. We pay! Just like you do for food! Apart from I pay electricity, tax and water, and every expense in the house. You know, repairman and all; up to now I pay, and I still continue to pay everything.

You just pay a few dollars for food per day. And if you cannot do that, then OK, you tell me. Of course, you don’t have to pay. But I don’t want to encourage this kind of dependent behavior, because you’re not children anymore. Even your children, they grow up, they take care of themselves, right? You don’t allow them to just lay at home and eat your food, no? (No.) Not because you don’t love them, but because they should live their life. They should know how to survive. If you die, who’ll feed them? Not like that joke that says, “Oh, when my father dies, who is going to earn money for me?” That joke? No, I’m not going to spoil you, and buy you, because you come here, because it’s free food. It’s not like that. I have to be straight with you.

Although the tradition, many traditions say, “You come to the Master’s house, you have free food.” You have free food if you can’t afford it it’s OK; it’s welcome. Only if you’re really poor, you can’t afford it, or in a special situation. But not normally, no! They take donations anyway. They say free, but it’s not. You put it in a box or something, or they register how much you give. I saw that. But principally, they say it’s free. It’s always free. Everything from me is free, only if you cannot afford it. Of course! That’s why I go out and give my money to the homeless, to the needy, to the desperate people, to the disaster victims. Because it’s free! I’m supposed to give everything free. But not you! You’re my students! You must be a provider. (Yes.) At least for yourself!

I don’t ask you to provide for me. I even pay my own food in my own house. Yes, because if I eat, three more people, four more people, your food will be less. Or maybe not that less, but I don’t want it to happen, in case it becomes less. Like, you eat one grain of rice less, and you say, “I paid ten dollars, why I eat only 99 grains of rice?” No! I want everything correct. (Master, actually the sister at registration, she can prove it.) Oh! (I’m a witness, because I received the money, and I wrote Your name, and...) My name? OK. (So, I’m a witness.) OK, good. Then it’s fine, it’s fine. OK, good, we don’t need you. Because she already received the money, and she’s right here. Right? (They paid to registration.) OK, that’s good. So, there’re three witnesses! Oh, thank you very much. Three people know about it. I just tell them to do it, I just wondered if they did. So, yesterday I asked again, and she said, “Yes, they did already.” So, it’s OK.

It’s not just here; everywhere I go, I pay whatever you pay. And sometimes more, most often, it’s more, more than what you pay. I just want to give you an example. Of course, I don’t have to pay. Everybody would say… they would say, “Oh, it’s all Master’s here! Why You have to pay?” But I do that, so that you know that it’s our duty to take care of ourselves. No exception, no excuses. You understand me? (Yes.) If we don’t have money, of course nobody would be heartless to say, “No, you can’t eat, because you don’t have...” It’s not like that by us! Of course, you know that. If you don’t have money, you don’t pay. And nobody will check you. Nobody says, “Why don’t you pay?” No, it’s not like that. We don’t do that.

If you don’t have money, you don’t pay. But don’t try to do that on purpose. You know what I mean? (Yes.) Because you need to be honest, independent, strong! You are a saint! You are here to save the world! So, we don’t want to live off the world. We live in the world, for the world, but not off the world. Correct? So, don’t expect to come to a Master’s house for free all the time. It’s not like that. It’s free all the time only if you can’t afford it. And it’s OK like that. We help each other of course. But if you are able, you’re cool, why not?

Actually, if you’re really also tired of the world and all that, and if I live somewhere and have a house, you can also come and live with me, and it’s free. Of course it’s like that. But I don’t know how many would like to do that, even. (I want to!) Are you joking? Why? Why? (Master, I’ll sell everything, give up everything.) But you have a new boyfriend now! You were just telling [us that]. A new boyfriend! (No, Master!) What for you want to come to my house? I don’t have a boyfriend there for you! (I have that because You don’t want to take me.) What do you mean by that? Is that a revenge? Shame! “I have because You don’t want to take me!” My God! Am I your boyfriend? Like a rebound? It’s possible, I understand. It’s possible that you have too much love, and you just want to throw it on somebody. Poor guy! He doesn’t know he’s just a substitute. Oh, but you don’t do that! We only have substitute sugar, substitute (vegan) egg, but not substitute human love. My God! I understand that.

Really, honestly, how many people? (Take us!) “Take us”? How about your daughter? (With her, too.) What? (Together with her.) Then how will she go to Waldorf school? I can’t afford it; it’s expensive. (It’s very cheap.) It’s cheap? It’s not! (In half.) Yes, but I don’t always have a pocket Waldorf school, you know – in my pocket. Where I go might be no Waldorf school. And then your daughter will blame me for taking her away from a good school. Something like that. It is not that simple.

OK. You dump your boyfriend. And you? (I just go! I have a husband, and...) A husband! A boyfriend, OK, maybe easy, but a husband… (The children are big, and there’s no need for me to stay there anymore.) And how about the husband? He’s a big child! (There’s only one child left.) (Your husband. Your husband!) What about him? Not important. Non-existent! (He’s OK! He doesn’t...) How do you know? (I do! He doesn’t want me to do all this [Supreme Master] TV work, and I find he’s a hindrance, and I don’t need this now. So, why...) And your kid? The one child left? (They’re grown up. Well, he’s 25.) Oh, the only one left in the house is 25? (Yes.) My God, how old are you? (I have my birthday today!) Oh! Happy Birthday! (Fifty-five!) Fifty-five! Happy Birthday! Anybody else’s birthday? Come over here. Happy Birthday to you. (Happy Birthday to you!) Happy Birthday dear sister, brother. Happy Birthday to you! Voilà! Happy Birthday. (Thank You.) And what is your nationality? (I am actually half French, half German.) OK, I don’t care. That means you’re European. You can travel around. (Yes.)

Anybody else who wants to dump husband... and wife, and... Oh, God! There! (I’m single. I do not have any obligation or commitment.) But do you have any debt also, you see? (No.) That’s an obligation. (I have no debt.) No debt. (I have no debt.) But if you go, will your husband sue me? (No.) How do you know? (No, he’s an initiate.) He is? (Yes, but he’s just not into it that much.) Understand, OK. (I have no debt, nothing.) You have nothing? (No.) I want some rich people. Everybody just has nothing and comes, and then what do I do? (Master, they can make money.) We can make money? Where? Who? (We can grow vegetables.) And sell vegetables, where? (In the garden.) That little garden there? You want to live off that? It’s cute. You guys are so cute.

OK, what next? What are you capable of? Or you just want to come to eat? (I can work for You. I mean, anything, currently…) Alright. All of you come here. The ones who want to stay with me, come over here. I’ll check you out! Oh... not you! You have a kid in the Waldorf school! What do you mean “doesn’t matter”? How about your husband? (I don’t have a husband.) So, you just have a kid? How old is she? (Seven years old.) Only seven? Oh, that’s a bit difficult for her to change?

Anybody else who wanted to... (No brothers there.) No brothers? Only sisters? I saw some before over here. Now they’re all scared? Anybody else? You’re going to come sit here, so I know who’s who. You’re already at the [Supreme Master] TV. Why are you sitting here? OK, never mind. Sit down. You have to go to L.A. (Los Angeles) to work, no? Because no German people there – sometimes they need it immediately. They need immediate correction; they can’t keep sending. Any Germans there? (Yes, two Germans, at least.) OK. So, you take turns, right? It has to be some natives there, quick, to make the corrections and all that. Who else? Just sit right here, so I know who is who. You have to tell me the history of your life, quick! Just for fun. I do not guarantee I’d take you, especially the ones who want to dump boyfriend and all that.

You’re already there! You work in [Supreme Master] TV. (Yes, but they told me to leave because my visa finished.) I know, of course. You’ll come back, no? (And then they said they didn’t need me anymore.) Who said that? (The people there.) Did you have a problem there? (No.) Is that why you left? (Well, I was going to extend the visa because I have a ten-year visa.) Understand. (But they said Italian wasn’t so important.) Oh, it’s not? (So they said, “You can go back home.”) Oh! But now is there… (I want to go back. I mean it’s not a problem.) OK, OK.

Is there translation of Italian right now? (Yes, there’re two of us. We’re doing not everything that we were doing before, but we’re doing...) You should do everything as you did before, continue with that. It’s a very important job, more than following me! You see, the reason I don’t have any team is because all of my team are working either for Supreme Master TV or everything else to support all this. That’s why I walk everywhere alone. I can’t even have anybody arranging anything for me. I do it all alone. Nobody to take luggage or (We can do this.) bring me tea and all that. Good job, huh?

Photo Caption: Showing Our Best, Eagerly Await Your Door to Open!

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Between Master and Disciples