
본래 우주에서 우리 세계로: 진정한 사랑은 결코 변치 않는다 10부 중 4부 2014년 5월 29일

내용 요약
Yes, I donated a lot (spiritual merit). And if it’s allowed, I would donate more. But even then, I don’t need to. Because all the power I brought down from the higher world will be assimilated, distributed, assimilated slowly. And the world will better (improve). Otherwise, it would have been worse. But we don’t feel attached anyway. Whatever happens, it’s fine. But right now, the screening is that people who have bad karma (retribution) in something will be screened out. Through different means. Still, still, but less than before. Less intense than before. Less often.
모든 에피소드 (4/10)