
From the Holy Qur’an: Surah 62 & 64, Part 1 of 2

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Surah 62: Jumu‘a, or the Assembly (Friday) Prayer. “O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed To prayer on Friday (The Day of Assembly), Hasten earnestly to the Remembrance Of God, and leave off Business (and traffic): That is best for you If ye but knew! And when the Prayer Is finished, then may ye Disperse through the land, And seek of the Bounty Of God: and celebrate The Praises of God Often (and without stint): That ye may prosper. But when they see Some bargain or some Amusement, they disperse Headlong to it, and leave Thee standing. Say: ‘The (blessing) from the Presence Of God is better than Any amusement or bargain! And God is the Best To provide (for all needs).’”

Surah 64: Tagābun, or Mutual Loss and Gain. Section 1 “The Unbelievers think That they will not be Raised up (for Judgment). Say: ‘Yea, by my Lord, Ye shall surely be Raised up: then shall ye Be told (the truth) of All that ye did. And that is easy for God.’”

Section 2 “O ye who believe! Truly, among your wives And your children are (some That are) enemies to Yourselves: so beware Of them! But if ye Forgive and overlook, And cover up (their faults), Verily God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Your riches and your children May be but a trial: But in the Presence of God, Is the highest Reward.”
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