
From the Holy Qur’an: Surah 71 & 72, Part 2 of 2

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Surah 71: Nūḥ, or Noah. Section 1 “We sent Noah To his People (With the Command): ‘Do thou warn thy People Before there comes to them A grievous Penalty.’ He said: ‘O my People! I am to you A Warner, clear and open: That ye should worship God, fear Him, And obey me: So He may forgive you Your sins and give you Respite for a stated Term: For when the Term given By God is accomplished, It cannot be put forward: If ye only knew.’ ‘What is the matter With you, that ye Place not your hope For kindness and long-suffering In God, Seeing that it is He That has created you In diverse stages? See ye not How God has created The seven heavens One above another, And made the moon A light in their midst, And made the sun As a (Glorious) Lamp?’”

Surah 72: Jinn, or the Spirits. Section 1 “And we pried into The secrets of Heaven; But we found it filled With stern guards And flaming fires. We used, indeed, to sit there In (hidden) stations, to (steal) A hearing; but any Who listens now Will find a flaming fire Watching him in ambush. And we understand not Whether ill is intended To those on Earth, Or whether their Lord (Really) intends to guide Them to right conduct.”
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