In today’s news, France commits €3 million to support nutrition aid for vulnerable Afghans, US scientists revise estimate of when Mars thought still to be habitable, British researchers replace animal-people products used in liver disease study with ethical alternatives, United States city becomes first in nation to ban animal-people raising factories within its limits, kind shop owner aids homeless man in South Korea, new report notes vegan progress and opportunities in South Africa’s quick service food industry, and juvenile emperor penguin makes surprise appearance in Western Australia.
I’d like to announce a caring idea for animal-people lovers everywhere with a community support tip. A growing network of nonprofit organizations, shelters, and veterinary clinics are stepping up to support struggling animal-people caregivers, recognizing that access to veterinary care is essential. Shelters, foster groups, humane societies, rescue organizations, spay/neuter clinics, and organizations supporting low-income families all work tirelessly to keep animal friends within their homes and ensure they receive proper care. Supporting these groups through donations or volunteering can make a meaningful impact in reducing animal-person homelessness and providing vital assistance to families in need. Together, we can help our animal companions receive the love and care they deserve.
The amusement shop just opened, so we went inside and got this joke for you. It’s entitled “Not My Team.”
A fan of a perennially losing baseball club woke up in the morning and suddenly realized he had left his 2 tickets to the afternoon’s game on his car’s dashboard. He hurriedly went outside to check on his vehicle but discovered that the windshield was smashed. When his wife came out, she asked:
“Oh, my goodness! Did someone take our tickets?”
“Worse than that, someone left four more.”