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Kinh Lăng Nghiêm: Các Loại Ấm Ma - Sắc Ấm Và Thọ Ấm, Phần 4/9 Ngày 26 tháng 12, 2018

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Only the sage knows that. Even the sage incarnated into a human body still has this Bodhi seed inside; enlightening seed inside never dies. That’s why I told you, if you stay in this stage and if you die, you still can come back and continue. But if you’re too proud and believe you are a sage already, you’re cut off. Then you’re done. All the ghosts and demons will pounce upon you, take off all your merit, and you’ll be done with. So, the Buddha, although He had been reincarnating as animals, insects, and humans, even kings of Heaven, He had never forgotten.