
Serie de Varias Partes sobre las Antiguas Predicciones acerca de nuestro Planeta: Profecías de la Era Dorada Parte 13 – Las Tablas de Piedra Sagrada de los Hopi y las Cuatro Razas

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The Hopi are so ancient that other Native Americans call them “the oldest of the people.” A number of the prophecies are centered around sacred stone tablets that were given to the Hopi.people at the beginning of this world by the Creator.“He said to the human beings, ‘I’m going to send you to four directions, and over time I’m going to change you to four colors. But I’m going to give you some teachings. And when you come back together with each other, you will share these and a great civilization will come about.’” “In these stone tablets were made instructions and prophecies and warnings.”
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